featured image for podcast episodeFrom Addiction To FI | Ms. Fiology

From Addiction To FI | Ms. Fiology
Episode 106

Posted by Choose FI

Episode Guide

Episode Summary:

Deanna's journey to recovery from addiction and her path to financial independence is both inspiring and enlightening. After a childhood marked by low self-worth and insecurity, Deanna turned to alcohol and drugs, leading to years of struggle. By her mid-30s, she recognized the need for change, initiating a process of sobriety and financial reckoning. Through her experience, she provides insights on the importance of making conscious choices and seeking help, emphasizing that it is never too late to reclaim control of one's life. She shares practical steps for achieving financial stability, such as creating a budget, cutting unnecessary expenses, and the power of community support. Deanna\u2019s story serves as a beacon of hope for many who may feel trapped by their circumstances, proving that with determination, it is possible to turn one\u2019s life around and work toward financial independence.

Episode Timestamps

Show Notes for ChooseFI Episode featuring Deanna

Episode Summary

Deanna shares her profound journey of overcoming addiction and achieving financial independence, emphasizing that it is never too late to start over. Her story illustrates the importance of self-discovery, setting priorities, and taking control of one's life and finances.

Key Topics Discussed

  • Introduction to Deanna's Story

    • Deanna shares her background, including her struggles with addiction beginning at a young age due to low self-worth and peer pressure.
  • Early Struggles with Addiction

    • Deanna discusses her path to recognizing her addiction and how living a double life affected her relationships and self-image.
  • Turning Point in Recovery

    • A pivotal moment of clarity led Deanna to seek help, involving prayer and honesty with herself, marking the start of her recovery journey.
  • Overcoming Financial Challenges

    • Deanna shares her experience with a significant six-figure debt, her emotional state during recovery, and the steps she took to regain financial stability.
  • The Importance of Community Support

    • Deanna emphasizes the critical role family and friends played in her recovery and financial journey, highlighting the need for a strong support network.
  • Final Thoughts and Advice

    • Deanna encourages listeners to focus on what truly matters, such as family and financial health, and reminds them that it is never too late to turn their lives around.

Key Takeaways

  • It's never too late to change your life .
  • Your presence can mean everything to your children .
  • Building a support network is essential in recovery .
  • Focus on budgeting to regain financial control .

Actionable Takeaways

  • Commit to a budget to establish financial control.
  • Reach out to someone for support if struggling with addiction.
  • Evaluate your priorities; ensure you are present for your family.

Discussion Questions

  • What elements in Deanna’s story resonate most with your personal journey?
  • How can current financial struggles affect personal relationships?
  • What strategies can you apply from Deanna's financial journey?

Key Quotes

  • "It's never too late to change your life."
  • "Being open about my struggles was the key to my healing."
  • "You are in for a ride; the journey is worth it!"

Email Campaign Snippets

  • "Deanna's story illustrates that it's never too late to change your life and reclaim your future."
  • "If you or someone you know is struggling, remember that seeking help is the first step towards recovery."

Episode Mentions

  • ChooseFI Episode 100

Podcast Conclusion

  • Deanna's inspiring journey from addiction to financial independence serves as a powerful reminder of resilience and the importance of community in both recovery and finance.

Embracing Change: Deanna's Journey from Addiction to Financial Independence

Deanna's inspiring story serves as a powerful reminder that it's never too late to change your life. Her transformative journey from addiction to financial independence illustrates the importance of self-discovery, setting priorities, and taking control of one’s circumstances. Here’s how you can apply her lessons to your own life as you pursue financial independence.

The Power of Self-Discovery

To begin your journey towards change, prioritize self-discovery. Understanding your past experiences, emotions, and motivations can illuminate the path forward. Deanna's realization that her addiction stemmed from low self-worth and insecurities compelled her to take decisive action. Consider reflecting on your own life to uncover what drives your choices.

  • Action Step: Start a journal to explore your thoughts and experiences. Identifying your personal drivers can provide clarity and help you make informed decisions moving forward.

Building a Support Network

The significance of community support cannot be overstated. Deanna found that confiding in loved ones about her struggles was an essential step in her recovery. A robust support network not only offers encouragement but also accountability. Whether you are struggling with addiction, financial issues, or both, reach out to friends and family who can help you along your journey.

  • Action Step: Surround yourself with positive influences. Identify individuals or groups that embody the values you aspire to and engage with them regularly.

Adopting a Budget

Creating a budget is crucial for anyone aiming for financial independence. Deanna recognized that budgeting was liberating, allowing her to take control of her finances rather than living in chaos. She implemented budgeting techniques that paved the way to her debt-free journey.

  • Action Step: Create a simple budget using apps or spreadsheets. Start by tracking your income and expenses to see where your money goes, then identify areas where you can cut costs.

The Debt Snowball Method

One of the key strategies Deanna utilized to eliminate her debt was the debt snowball method. This involves listing your debts from smallest to largest, paying the minimum on all but the smallest debt, and focusing on paying that off first. This method offers quick wins that can motivate you to continue the process.

  • Action Step: List your debts, and choose the one with the smallest balance to attack first. Celebrate each victory to maintain momentum.

Embracing Frugality and House Hacking

Deanna's financial recovery was propelled by frugality and house hacking. By living with her parents and cutting unnecessary expenses, she was able to tackle her debt significantly faster. This practical approach allowed her to save money while also improving her familial relationships.

  • Action Step: Consider ways to reduce living expenses, such as finding a roommate or cutting back on luxuries to accelerate your progress towards financial goals.

Focusing on Personal Relationships

Throughout her recovery, Deanna emphasized the importance of nurturing personal relationships over work commitments. She realized that her presence during significant moments in her children’s lives would create lasting memories and ensure emotional support.

  • Action Step: Set boundaries with your work to prioritize quality time with family and friends. Make it a point to attend important events and cultivate meaningful connections.

Addressing Addiction and Seeking Help

Deanna's journey highlights the importance of seeking help when struggling with addiction. She realized that vulnerability was the key to healing. Being open about her struggles fostered connections with supportive individuals, aiding her recovery.

  • Action Step: If you or someone you know is grappling with addiction, do not hesitate to reach out for help. Seek the support of friends, family, or professional organizations.

Cultivating a Growth Mindset

Deanna’s experiences reveal the significance of a growth mindset. She transformed setbacks into learning opportunities, ultimately achieving financial stability. Viewing failures as stepping stones rather than barriers will foster resilience and growth.

  • Action Step: Adopt a mindset that embraces challenges. Reflect after any setbacks to identify lessons learned, which can strengthen your resolve going forward.

Planning for Financial Independence

Having successfully eliminated her debt, Deanna is now focused on building wealth and planning for financial independence. She actively contributes to retirement accounts and maintains an emergency fund while exploring potential investments.

  • Action Step: Once you’re on stable financial ground, start planning for your long-term financial future. Contribute to retirement accounts and explore investment opportunities to build wealth.

Final Takeaways: It’s Never Too Late

Deanna's journey is a testament to the power of resilience and determination. She demonstrates that overcoming adversity is possible with the right mindset, strategies, and community support. By implementing these actionable steps, you too can transform your life, reclaim your financial status, and achieve financial independence.

As you navigate your own journey, remember: It’s never too late to shape your future. Empower yourself with knowledge, seek help when needed, and maintain focus on what truly matters—your relationships, your well-being, and your financial goals.

Deanna, blogger at msfiology.com, shares her journey from drug and alcohol addiction to recovery, paying off six-figures of personal debt, and getting started on her path toward financial independence. She also wrote an article for ChooseFI detailing her journey.

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Deanna Broaddus, Ms. FI-ology

  • Deanna started looking for security in drugs and alcohol in her teens, becoming a high-functioning addict for more than a decade.
  • After getting sober, Deanna spent time discovering how and why she fell into these patterns.
  • How did Deanna’s early interactions with her parents impact her choices as teen?
  • If pursuing FI means sacrificing time with your children today, think hard about it.
  • What caused Deanna to walk away from drugs, alcohol and an abusive relationship?
  • Although she was able to live a double life and fool many people, a handful of people in Deanna’s life saw her actions and confronted her.
  • When Deanna got sober in 2010 she had six-figures of personal debt, though she took about four years to work on her recovery before fully addressing her finances.
  • Deanna started chipping away on her debt following principles of Dave Ramsey’s “debt snowball” concept, and budget help from a person at her church.
  • Deanna’s house went into foreclosure after she was unable to pay for some significant repairs, which damaged her credit, but after paying all her debt a few years later her credit is back to excellent.
  • How did Deanna drive down life costs when she started paying off debt on a $40k salary?
  • Deanna moved back into her parents’ house for two years to pay off her debt.
  • The method behind Dave Ramsey’s “debt snowball” is to list all your debts from smallest to largest regardless of interest rate, then begin to pay them smallest to largest.
  • Paying off debts always starts with writing it all down and making a plan.
  • Debt free since Jan. 2018, what is Deanna doing with her paycheck now?
  • Deanna is starting late on her FI journey, but she is on track to reach FI in 14 years.

Listen to Brad and Jonathan's thoughts about this episode here.

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